The Last Matinee is a modern Giallo effort that fails to reimagine, evolve, or even properly understand the form. The use of movie theaters as…
Rock, Paper and Scissors starts off beguilingly odd, but fails to ever realize its genre potency and soon falls into wheel-spinning. There’s something very…
Given its gimmicky genesis, Dementia Part II surprises as a bit of legitimate, over-the-top fun. At only 66 minutes — and that includes the opening…
Honeydew is the latest effort to angle toward the elevated horror label without providing much substance to this framework. Premiering at the Nightstream Film…
JUMBO manages to imbue its tricky material with sensitivity but at the expensive of teasing out much of its considerable potential. It’s not often that…
PVT CHAT hints at sapient commentary of our transactional internet age, but the gesture ultimately proves empty. Writer-director Ben Hozie’s latest, PVT CHAT, is another…
King Car is more jester than royalty, a soft-bellied and derivative exercise in empty shock. New Brazilian feature Carro Rei (King Car) is aggressively weird,…