Credit: IFFR
by InRO Staff Featured Festival Coverage Film

IFFR 2021 June Programme — Dispatch 1: Films We’ve Already Covered

June 3, 2021

IFFR returns this week, a short couple months after its last iteration. As a response to the pandemic, IFFR 2021 decided to split itself a bit, showcasing a virtual-only fest in February that ended with an ellipses. Finishing things up here in the first week of June, IFFR returns with in-person screenings and events and a quartet of new programmes, most notably “Harbour,” comprised of some major festival players from earlier in the year and a bevy of new world premieres. The June Programme of IFFR only runs from June 2-6, but we’ve circled back to provide coverage across another series of dispatches, beginning below with the films we’ve already written on, and wrapping up next week with a few dispatches of new content. In the meantime, head on over to IFFR’s platform to check out the new slate of films and grab some tickets.