Fall is an utterly dull would-be thriller that squanders the visual possibility of its premise and trades only in inane melodrama. 2018’s Academy Award-winning documentary…
Aubrey Plaza remains one of our most intriguing stars, but Emily the Criminal imprisons its leading lady within anonymous old-school thriller retread. Anyone not already…
El Gran Movimiento offers a thoroughly idiosyncratic and elliptical approach to the city symphony, one rooted in character and in which the spirit of…
Laal Singh Chaddha is an abysmal Forrest Gump remake that eviscerates any sense of Zemeckis’ tonal control and bears none of that film’s emotional…
Like The Outlaws before it, The Roundup is a pretty basic cop movie, but director Ma Dong-seok spins it all into irresistible entertainment. In 2017, Ma Dong-seok, fresh…
Please Baby Please It’s the rare film that proves capable of achieving genuine novelty, and even rarer to find one that manages to parlay…
Easter Sunday is bad enough to make spending time with extended family start to seem appealing. A major studio releasing a film entitled Easter Sunday…
This latest Ninja Turtles product is a narratively lazy and formally chaotic bit of empty IP. As long as one doesn’t stubbornly insist on…
They/Them offers a surprisingly empathetic and graceful treatment of its LGBTQ-focused material, but its horror bona fides are more lacking. Blumhouse’s new slasher flick They/Them…
This latest iteration of The Most Dangerous Game is nothing more than a shallow vehicle for bloodshed, and dull to boot. 1932’s The Most Dangerous…
Bullet Train is an wholesale derailment, an inane, ’90s-styled crime caper built on comedy that isn’t funny and action that’s plagued by godawful execution.…
Prey doesn’t always hit high action points, but remains rousing late-summer entertainment largely on the strength of its intelligent and formally impressive setting switch-up. Almost…
I Love My Dad employs a risky outsized gambit in telling its tale, but it thankfully registers as darkly hilarious and often poignant. It’s easy…
An ill-conceived inertia plagues Memory Box, and its magical-sounding title only barely conceals the roteness of its center. In Sophy Romvari’s Still Processing, an intensely…
What Josiah Saw exhibits Grashaw’s considerable formal chops, but there’s an inherent silliness pestering its core and its ending undermines some of its power. The…
Dark Glasses It’s been a rough couple of decades for Dario Argento. Once hailed as the “Master of Horror” for films like Deep Red…
Marcel the Shell isn’t a perfect film, but in expanding a 2010 Internet gimmick to humorous and heartfelt feature length, it proves surprisingly refined, and…
There are pockets of interest to be found in Paradise Highway, but its mediocre mashup of genre and weak character work ensure that it never…