There’s a moment near the end of the first act of The Black Sea when Khalid (Derrick B. Harden), a Brooklynite stranded in the…
In animator Jérémy Clapin’s live-action feature debut Meanwhile on Earth, Elsa (Megan Northam), sister of astronaut Franck (depicted by Yoan Germain Le mat, voiced…
The psychoanalytic term of the “big Other” is a fancy shorthand for our symbolic social order, and it’s what delimits most of our everyday…
Republics, as it were, are spaces of contradiction — the citizens’ collective supreme authority refracted through the figures of their representatives — whose political…
Babatunde Apalowo’s feature debut, All the Colours of the World Are Between Black and White, is a moving portrait of gay desire, class, and…
In his critical study “Discourse and the Novel,” Russian literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin described narrative fiction as a process by which individual characters are…
Kimi Takesue’s third feature film is a fraught, respectably reflexive process in objectification. Utilizing the much ado of the tourism industry as our subject…
There’s plenty of aesthetic polish to Futura, but it’s largely mitigated by the bland, reductive didacticism at its aging core. “How do you do,…
Last and First Men is a artful, melancholy work that suggests the heights Jóhannsson might have reached, even as the final product can feel more…