Breaking certainly tells a necessary story, but it largely boils itself down to basic action theatrics and undermines any noble intent. Breaking, the feature…
Squeal is an occasionally striking study of the fairy tales men tell themselves, but it too often feels floundering and under-cooked to be regarded…
Glorious is stylish and occasionally pretty funny, but its lightweight genre pleasures are entirely undermined by a bafflingly stupid final twist. It’s hard to…
Beast is a sturdy, no-frills thriller that understands how to shred nerves and deliver gnarly creature-feature action. The B-movie creature feature comes roaring back…
The morning after Hurricane Katrina made landfall in New Orleans, folks at Memorial Medical Center rejoiced. The sun was shining. The facility still had…
When I Consume You starts strong and boasts a strong visual character, but it frustratingly trades too heavily in tired horror tropes to land with…
The Legend of Molly Johnson can skew a bit too on-the-nose at times, but it remains a bold, uncompromising work and the best kind of…
Rule 34 At its core, the intellectual thesis of Julia Murat’s intelligent if inconclusive film belies a more emotional investment. As its title might…
Super Hero is an impressive step forward in animation for the franchise, even as its constant winking can sometimes come off as an insecure plea…
Three Minutes can veer off course when it attempts to wax poetic or philosophical, but on the strength of its source material, ultimately proves an…
Orphan: First Kill lacks the pulpy playfulness and satirical intent of the original, entirely misunderstanding its appeal and rendering this sequel an underwhelming curiosity at…
Spin Me Round, which bafflingly sidelines its most intriguing performer halfway through, ultimately offers little more than a light subversion of European vacay romcoms.…
Girl Picture is a pop-oriented confection of little substance, vapid writing, and seeming contempt for its characters. Alli Haapasalo’s Girl Picture is a confounding frustration.…
Human Flowers of Flesh Bouncing back from two years worth of Covid-related disruption while still riding out some major switch-ups and art direction, the…
Summering is a clichéd and ludicrous attempt at the coming-of-age tale, both thematically and tonally inept. It’s been nearly a decade since writer-director James…
Like most of Yuasa’s feature-length works, Inu-Oh lacks the dimension of his small screen output, and indulges the director’s sloppiest storytelling instincts. Masaaki Yuasa…
Day Shift tackles familiar territory with refreshing style, breeziness, and memorably enjoyable characters, as well as delivering some of the year’s best action. Despite being…
Mack & Rita is but the latest lame vehicle for Diane Keaton, a lazy body swap flick with little heart or humor to sell its…