January 2025 brings with it a slight tweak to our format at InRO. Still featured will be all of the content we’ve made it our mission to deliver, but packaged a little differently and delivered according to a new timeline. Throughout the month, you’ll still find us dropping our fantastic writers’ work in interviews, essays, Kicking the Canon pieces, festival coverage, and other feature articles. New, however, is that we’ll be holding our current releases reviews until the end of each month, where you’ll find a roundup post (like this one) that highlights all the films we’ve caught up with and written about across the previous 30 or so days. Our aims in this switch-up are twofold: 1.) We hope this will allow us to better highlight the unique and thoughtful feature pieces our writers are producing on a regular basis, and 2.) that this self-gift of extra time will ensure we are best able to maintain the quality of writing that we have always sought to prioritize (and indeed seek out ourselves!) in this age of listicles, empty and ephemeral quick-takes, and the armchair cinephelia saturating social media. For now, our January thoughts.

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