I Came By is all superficial signaling, failing to build any actual substance, subtlety, or genre thrills into weightless construction. Babak Anvari is less…
Saloum is an absolute blast, packed with pleasant genre surprises and announcing a major new filmmaker in Jean Luc Herbulot. Part of the joy…
Who Invited Them visits well-worn territory, but its novel navigation of these familiar trappings makes for an effectively discomfiting viewing experience. The Covid pandemic…
Outside Noise is an effortlessly accomplished work, unforced and moving toward an emotional spectrum out of the reach of most filmmakers. Ted Fendt’s body…
ClayDream offers viewers a comprehensive account of a fascinating subsection of cinematic history. These days, animation is basically synonymous with the glossy phantasms churned out…
The Immaculate Room is a poorly paced and thematically shallow film that bludgeons each and every one of its talking points to death. In premise…
Wifelike is the type of science fiction with just enough thematic novelty to compel the viewer, but not enough to make for a satisfying experience.…
Tin Can is the best kind of sci-fi, an equal mix of weirdo ideas and careful world-building that leads viewers to a genuinely unsettling…
Maneater is confounding and viscerally dull take on the shark attack subgenre. The glut of shark-themed films airing on the SyFy Channel on a weekly…
The Invitation perhaps could have actually been surprising if marketing hadn’t spoiled its game, but there’s unfortunately not much else for viewers to have…
Untrapped flirts with greatness in its initial stretch, but soon frustratingly settles into lionization and depthless narrative. There’s a solid half-hour stretch where Untrapped briefly…
Loving Adults is visually impressive and sporadically interesting, but sacrifices the necessary character depth for this type of film at the altar of melodramatic plot…
Samaritan is a shallow, abysmally paced actioner that fails to deliver any impressive action. A drab, joyless affair, the new Sylvester Stallone vehicle Samaritan…
Three Thousand Years of Longing presents a fairly stimulating academic study in its early going, but ultimately fails to balance its conceptual and emotional…
Me Time is an unfunny, haphazard, and chemistry-poor waste of everyone’s time. The Kevin Hart-Netflix train rolls on with Me Time, a new buddy comedy…
Out of the Blue feels like a bizarre cross between Murder, She Wrote and Cassandra’s Dream, punched up with a healthy dose of LaBute’s patented woman-hating toxicity.…
This Magnificent Cake! could stand be fleshed out a bit and its dual metaphors can feel somewhat redundant, but there’s no denying the film’s astounding…
Funny Pages frequently approaches incisive commentary about youth’s quest for validation, but it ultimately ends too meekly and with too little introspection. Life comes at…